Monday, April 22, 2013

From Matilda's Mouth (She's had some good ones lately...)

Going to bed one night:

Mommy: Good night Matilda
Matilda: I want to go horseback riding one day.
Mommy: Okay, but not tonight.
Matilda: (exasperated) Not tonight. Soon. With Riley. I'll write her a note about it.
Mommy: okay, sweet dreams.
Matilda: you know what?
Mommy: what? It's really bed time.
Matilda: I touched my eyeball today. I was curious what it felt like.
Mommy: what did it feel like?
Matilda: wet.
Mommy: good night Matilda.

(NOT) Sharing a toy with Sadie while playing in her bedroom

Matilda: Sadie don't touch that babydoll.
Mommy: I won't let her hurt it.
Matilda: OK. don't let her slobber it.
Mommy: I won't.
Matilda to Sadie: This is the only toy available to you in my room.

Matilda has told me every morning that it is "so amazing" when new fairies come visit her fairy garden and leave glitter fairy dust behind.

Thanks to "Monkey George" episodes, she has been obsessed with announcing that worms eat the food and then poop to make compost.

One morning she did the 2 finger point at her eyes and then at Daddy's eyes and announced, "Daddy, I've got my eye on you."

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