Thursday, October 23, 2008

i'm big!

ok, so maybe not big by some standards, but i'm one month old now, I weighed 7lbs 12oz. at my last weigh-in and i can down a 5 oz. bottle of boob juice in about 15 minutes. while I was busy getting big, i have had lots of visitors, a few outings, and some "firsts." My mom and dad haven't given me much computer time to write about it all, but i'll try to fill you in on everything i did in my first month...

let's start with my big debut, my naming. well, actually i don't exactly know what happened at my naming because i slept through most (ok, all) of it. maybe one day my daddy will put the video online that my great uncle mike took (i'm not holding my breath). Aparently there was a letter my parents read to me. I guess i will just have to read it for myself when i get older, but if you want to check it out for yourself click here. Lots of people came to see me get my hebrew name which is Miriam Gavriella. Thanks to all of you who were there, sorry if i was too sleepy and small to see you that day. i'm sure we will get to meet soon. 

Here are some photos from that day:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is absolutely beautiful! And I love that she has her own website. I think Ella needs one. Her announcement is stunning. You have to tell me who did it. How is mommy hood treating you? I felt like I had become a member of a club. How is Matilda? Are you getting to know one another? Sending you xoxo.