Tuesday, December 30, 2008

my bad.

oops! it's been a while since i updated. i've been very busy, traveling the country and meeting my fans. in the past 2 months since i last wrote i've been to the zoo with my friends noah and madison, voted for our next president (yay!), made numerous dirty diapers, celebrated thanksgiving in North Carolina (yes i did well in the car), went to work with my mommy, met my new friends Jordyn and Leah, and celebrated my first hanukkah. My mommy and daddy have taken a few photos along the way for you to enjoy. you can count on more regular updates in 2009 since i'm now 14 weeks old and can hold my head up on my own so that mommy and daddy have a free hand to type what i dictate to them.

my new crib finally came, but i still sleep in mommy and daddy's room with the puppies

i love bath time!

2 Tiffany's boxes! I must be a princess!

Uncle Ben, right before he made me some rice

Grandma and me in North Carolina

I'm just pretending to be asleep - i've gotten really good at that trick

yeah, i'm pretty cute. 

Auntie Ea and I got all dressed up for thanksgiving dinner

Thanksgiving reenactment - I got to be a Native American!

Great Grandpa Gus 

Here I am pretending to be asleep in the butterfly house at the zoo!

I really enjoyed seeing the polar bears too!

Daddy, you know I can't focus at such short distances...

I love you mommy

Me and my new girlfriends Jordyn & Leah Goldstein - I felt like the big kid for the first time. 

more soon....i promise this time.